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Well Woman / Annual Exam
Birth Control / Family Planning
Peri-menopausal / Menopausal Hormone Consultation 

Time | Cost 

Health Screening Consultation

Time | Cost 

Nutritional Counseling / Weight Management

Time | Cost 

Foundational Health Assessment

Time | Cost 

Holistic Mental Health Consultation

Time | Cost 

Time | Cost 

GYN Health Issues

Time | Cost 

Time | Cost 

 Naturopathic Consult / Ream's RBTI Testing

Time | Cost 

Well Woman
Well Woman / Annual Exam

Well woman/annual exam: a comprehensive physical exam that focuses on the needs of females. This includes a breast and pelvic exam, thyroid screening, Pap smear, bi-manual pelvic exam, screening for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and health screening as appropriate for age group/individual needs.  

Pap smear: collection of cervical cells to screen for cervical cancer- a part of the well woman exam. Guidelines have changed for how often one needs a pap- your guidelines for pap testing is discussed at your well woman exam. Well woman exams are still recommended yearly for all women.

Birth Control
Birth Control / Family Planning

This visit is a consultation to discuss your individual needs in planning your family and preventing pregnancy. I offer the following: instruction in NFP (natural family planning), fitting for diaphragm, cervical cap (Femcap), prescriptions for: birth control pills, Ortho Evra patch, Depo Provera injections, Nuvaring, as well as: Nexplanon implant, and IUDs: Paragard/Copper T, Mirena and Skyla.

Peri-menopausal / Menopausal Hormone Consultation 

Menopause is defined as 1 year without menstrual cycles. Peri-menopause is the time leading up to menopause. It can last 10-15 years- hormonal imbalance, mood swings, insomnia, cycle changes, PMS, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, decreased energy, decreased libido- all can affect women in their mid thirties and beyond. Life style changes, herbal supplements, bio-identical hormones can help ease this these symptoms during this time of transition.

Health Screening
Health Screening Consultation

Health screenings: thyroid, diabetes, cholesterol panel, blood pressure checks- health screening is usually the collection of blood to screen for common health issues. This may be prompted by symptoms, age group, family history etc.

Nutritional Counseling / Weight Management

More information coming soon...

Foundational Health Assessment

A comprehensive naturopathic health assessment including:  nutritional assessment, RBTI testing, life style evaluation, mental health evaluation and physical exam to determine changes to help you achieve optimal health. Many modalities are employed including: physical exam, face, eye, tongue, hand assessment, RBTI testing, pH testing, muscle response testing, Bach flower remedies, emotional code MRT, and more.

Requires a 7 day food and activity journal as well as specific visit times due to testing. Appointments take 2-3 hours. And you will receive a written summary of recommendations after your appointment. 

Mental Health
Holistic Mental Health Consultation

There are alternatives to SSRIs and anti-depressants. I use Bach Flower Remedies, Emotional Code Muscle Response testing, dietary changes, life style changes to help improve mental health and balance the stress response. 

GYN Health
GYN Health Issues

More information coming soon...

Naturopathic Consult / Ream's RBTI Testing

More information coming soon...

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